Saara Nafici
Saara Nafici is the executive director of Added Value/Red Hook Community Farm. She is also the former coordinator of the Garden Apprentice Program at Brooklyn Botanic Garden and a longtime activist, feminist, bicyclist, naturalist, and youth educator. Follow her weedy plant adventures on Instagram.
Online Articles
- Weed of the Month: Morning-Glory
- Weed of the Month: Mullein
- Weed of the Month: Lambsquarters
- Weed of the Month: Porcelain Berry
- Weed of the Month: Bittersweet Nightshade
- Weed of the Month: Poison Ivy
- Weed of the Month: Pineapple Weed
- Weed of the Month: Hairy Bittercress
- Weed of the Month: White Snakeroot
- Weed of the Month: Purslane
- Weed of the Month: Common Blue Violet
- Weed of the Month: Lesser Celandine
- Weed of the Month: Jimson Weed
- Weed of the Month: Chicory
- Weed of the Month: Fleabane
- Weed of the Month: Ragweed
- Weed of the Month: Broadleaf Plantain
- Weed of the Month: Purple Deadnettle
- Weed of the Month: Shepherd’s Purse
- Weed of the Month: Galinsoga
- Weed of the Month: Chickweed
- Weed of the Month: Pokeweed
- Weed of the Month: Queen Anne’s Lace
- Weed of the Month: Pigweed
- Weed of the Month: Mugwort
- Weed of the Month: Dandelion
Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario